Zihao Yu
- yuzihao@ict.ac.cn
- No.6 Kexueyuan South Road, Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Zihao Yu is a PhD candidate of Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is supervised by Prof. Ninghui Sun and Prof. Yungang Bao. He received his B.S. degree in computer science from Nanjing University in 2014. His research interests include computer architecture and operating systems. He is the leader of the Labeled von Neumann Architecture (LvNA) project.
- University of Chinese Academy of Sciences / Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014.09 - current)
- Ph.D. Candidate in Computer System and Architecture
- Nanjing University (2010.09 - 2014.06)
- B.S. in Computer Science and Technology
- GPA 4.44/5.0
- (LvNA) - Labeled von Neumann Architecture (subsequent project of PARD)
- ISCA 2018 tutorial (website)
- PARD - Programmable Architecture for Resourcing-on-Demand
- Explore more features for PARD and port the FPGA Prototype to RISC-V for tapeout as the project leader (2016.07 - current)
- Implement the MicroBlaze FPGA Prototype as a project member (2015.07 - 2016.06)
- Implement QoS support before Xilinx Memory Controller as the graduation project (2014.02 - 2014.05)
- Verify the project idea by conducting surveys about OpenSPARC T1 as a trainee (2013.07 - 2013.08)
- Garlic Cast - A Lightweight and Decentralized Anonymous Content Sharing Protocol
- Implement the simulator for Garlic Cast and collect data (2013.09 - 2013.10)
- Performance Isolation for Multicore within Labeled RISC-V, 7th RISC-V Workshop, Milpitas, 2017.11 (PDF)
- Labeled RISC-V: A New Perspective on Software-Defined Architecture, CARRV (workshop in MICRO 2017), Boston, 2017.10 (PDF)
- Labeled RISC-V: A New Perspective on Software-Defined Architecture, 6th RISC-V Workshop, Shanghai, 2017.05 (PDF)
- PARD - A New Perspective on Software-Defined Architecture, ETCD (workshop in ASPLOS 2017), Xi’an, 2017.04
- RISC-V Design towards Virtualization Supporting and QoS Guarantee in Cloud, OS2ATC 2016, Beijing, 2016.12
- Garlic Cast - A Lightweight and Decentralized Anonymous Content Sharing Protocol, ICPADS 2016, Wuhan, 2016.12
- A New Perspecive on Software-Defined Architecture: Computer as a Network, HotDC 2016, Beijing, 2016.09
- PARD - a Programmable Architecture for Resourcing-on-Demand, ACA 2016, Weihai, 2016.08
- Implementing Fully Hardware-Supported Virtualization via PARD (poster session), APSys 2016, Hong Kong, 2016.08
- Computer as a Network Design, Implementation and Usage with Open-Sourced FPGA Platform, ISCA tutorial, Korea, 2016.06
- ASPLOS - Computer System from the view of PARD, NJU, Nanjing, 2016.05
- Zihao Yu, Bowen Huang, Jiuyue Ma, Ninghui Sun, Yungang Bao, Labeled RISC-V: A New Perspective on Software-Defined Architecture, in the first workshop on computer architecture research with RISC-V (CARRV 2017) co-located with MICRO, 2017. (PDF)
- Jiuyue Ma, Xiufeng Sui, Ninghui Sun, Yupeng Li, Zihao Yu, Bowen Huang, Tianni Xu, Zhicheng Yao, Yun Chen, Haibin Wang, Lixing Zhang, Yungang Bao, Supporting Differentiated Services in Computers via Programmable Architecture for Resourcing-on-Demand (PARD), in the 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2015. (PDF)
- TA for practicum course of Computer Architecture and Organization, UCAS, 2018 Spring
- TA for practicum part of Introduction to Computer System, NJU, 2017 Fall
- TA for practicum course of Computer Architecture and Organization, UCAS, 2017 Spring
- TA for practicum part of Introduction to Computer System, NJU, 2016 Fall
- TA for practicum course of Computer Architecture and Organization, UCAS, 2016 Spring
- TA for practicum part of Introduction to Computer System, NJU, 2015 Fall
- TA for practicum part of Introduction to Computer System, NJU, 2014 Fall
- Lecturer for Practicum part of Operating System, NJU, 2014 Spring
- Lecturer for Practicum part of Operating System, NJU, 2013 Spring
- NEMU - NJU EMUlator, an x86 full system emulator for teaching purpose
- I am the invertor of NEMU. The first version was released in 2014.08.
- Since 2014 Fall, NEMU has been used as the Programming Assigment in the course Introduction to Computer System, NJU.
- NEMU got the first prize (10 winners) in the computer teaching practice design contest in 2017.11. (news)
- ProjectN - Nanjing University Computer System Project Series, a computer Ecosystem for teaching purpose
- ProjectN includes the following components
- Navy-apps - applications
- NCC - C compiler
- Newlib - C library (ported from the official version)
- Nanos - operating system
- Nexus-AM - abstract machine layer
- NEMU - full system emulator
- NPC - SoC
- NOOP - out-of-order processor
- I contributed most to the hardware design of the system stack, including NEMU, NPC and NOOP. Yanyan Jiang contributed to the software design.
- We got the second place in the Loongson Cup computer design contest in 2017.09. (news)
- I was a non-official coach of the NJU teams. :)
- ProjectN includes the following components
- The Design of ICS Programming Assignment, Nanjing, 2017.11
- Introduction to ICS Programming Assignment, Nanjing, 2017.08
- Introduction to ICS Programming Assignment, Weihai, 2016.08
- Introduction to ICS Programming Assignment, Dalian, 2015.08
- Debugging Technique for Programming Design Course, NJU, Nanjing, 2013.12
- Introduction to GNU/Linux Command Line, NJU, Nanjing, 2013.04
- 2017 National Scholarship